We invited members to share photographs of any arts and crafts they have been working on recently and during lockdown, including works in progress. We’ll be adding more here as they come in; so keep scrolling down.
Our President, John Sherwood, has been composing still life scenes for his camera – the pain and the pleasures of lockdown?

Talented artist and former Young Arts Representative, Hester Whittle, has done several life drawings. The middle one is a quick 5 minute sketch Hester did from the BBC’s Life Drawing programme:
Anna Murray has been making these colourful throws, quilt, boxes and masks. She says she’s been busy baking too but unfortunately the products have all been eaten!

Elizabeth Hall has painted scenes in Scotland, Canada – and herĀ kitchen

Heather Hooker has been painting some of the beautiful landscapes she has visited in her world travels

Barbara Doyle-Davidson found some bits of fabric in a cupboard and turned them into this lovely quilt

Our Heritage Volunteers are hard at work on the new Altar Kneeler for St Alban’s – backgrounds to come. See more, including Hester Whittle’s designs, on our Heritage Volunteers page

Wendy Allan has found she has a connection to the big Siberian Bear that greets us in the Haslemere Museum. Known as ‘Arthur’ in the museum, but not his real name….read Wendy’s lovely account of his history – click here.

Colin Milner-Walker has sent in several of his delightful paintings – not all done in lockdown in case the subjects make you think he’s been travelling in the last few weeks!

Giles Summerhays has been getting ahead with his clay modelling of well-known people……

….while Gabrielle has been lifting her spirits with painting