The coronavirus pandemic has sadly meant that we have now had to cancel all our events for April, May and June. However, we’re pleased to say that we have been able to reschedule most of them for 2021, or in one case 2022, with the very kind support of the lecturers and others involved. Specifically:
The Forensic Eye: Find you Inner Connoisser by Chantal Brotherton -Ratcliffe. Postponed from this April to October 7th 2021
New Advances in Ice Age Art by Paul Bahn. Postponed from this May until September 2nd 2021
Artemisia , Elizabeth and Laura: 3 Exceptional Women Artists by Bernard Allen. Postponed from this June until May 5th 2022.
Musical tour of Westminster Abbey with the Purcell Club – Postponed from May this year until May 2021 (date to be confirmed).
Tour to Lisbon – Cancelled, though we hope later to rebook for a future date.
Arts on the internet
While it may be some time before we can all meet as usual, there are lots of things we can do on the internet to alleviate art withdrawal symptoms and ward off boredom!
See our new page Arts on the Internet in the News section. We’ll try to keep this updated with new ideas and recommendations. Your feedback is very welcome.
We will keep you in touch with any future developments until I hope we will all be able to meet up again. Meanwhile keep safe and well.