Ramesses II (c 1279 -1213 BC) is known to many as ‘Ramesses the Great’. He built extraordinary temples throughout Egypt (notably Abu Simbel and the Ramesseum), adorning them with colossal statues of himself and images of his wives, including the renowned Queen Nefertari. In this lecture Egyptologist Lucia Gahlin will explore the art and architecture of this particularly long reign, and will piece together the great achievements of this bold ruler during a golden age of Egypt’s pharaonic history.
Lucia Gahlin
Lucia Gahlin is an Egyptologist and Lecturer. She has taught at a number of UK Universities including London, Bristol and Exeter. She has worked at the Petrie Museum of Egyptian and Sudanese Archaeology in London and as an archaeological draughtsman and registrar on excavations, including Tell el-Amarna in Egypt. She regularly leads tours to Egypt for specialist travel companies such as Andante Travels, and he publications include Egypt:Gods, Myths and Religion.