Leonardo The Painter – Thursday 7th February 2019

By Paula Nutall.

Leonardo da Vinci is the author of iconic paintings such as the Virgin of the Rocks, the Last Supper and the Mona Lisa.  This lecture surveys his career, from the early years in Florence (works include the Annunciation and Adoration of the Magi in the Uffizi), his time at the Court of Milan (including the Last Supper, Virgin of the Rocks and Lady with the Ermine), and his eventual return to Florence (the Mona Lisa, and Virgin and Child with St. Anne).  This lecture will give a thorough overview of his entire career, it places his work in its historical and artistic context, exploring his aims and innovations in technique, design and the depiction of nature.

Paula Nuttall

Director of V&A Medieval & Renaissance Year course.  Author of  From Flanders to Florence: the Impact of Netherlandish Painting 1400-1500 (Yale, 2004). Also lectures for the Courtauld Institute, Christie’s Education, the Art Fund and the National Gallery.  Formerly a lecturer at the British Institute of Florence.