Special Interest Day – Wednesday 20 March 2024 – Art Down Under: From Convict Years to the Modern Era by Valerie Woodgate

Art From Down Under: From Convict Years to the Modern Era: 10.30 – 15.00

In this special day Valerie Woodgate will give three lectures as follows:

10.00 Coffee

10.30 Lecture 1  – Convicts and the First Immigrants  – The artistic response by the earliest settlers to life in the strange new continent.

c 11.45 Lecture 2 Australian Impressionism and the Heidelberg School – Waning influence of European and the growth of an Australian style exemplified by artists like Tom Roberts and Arthur Streeton

c13.00 Lunch

c14.00 Lecture 3  – From the Great War to the 21st Century – The 20th century saw the rise of internationally renowned artists (Sydney Nolan and Brett White) and there is now a huge interest in the art of the indigenous population.

Morning coffee and wine or soft drink, fruit & coffer tea will be provided at lunchtime. Bring your own packed lunch.

Price £30    Book here

Valerie Woodgate

Valerie is currently lecturer at Tate Britain and Tate Modern, for the Art Fund, the National Trust, U3A, City of London Libraries (Barbican and Guildhall) and other organisations.

She was formerly a Tate Guide for 39 years; member of the Teaching Team at Dulwich Picture Gallery, where she gave lectures and Study Days: evening course for DPG; lectures and courses at Pallant House Gallery, Chichester, on P&O cruises representing the Tate; Lectures at University of Cape Town; script-writer for the Living Paintings Trust.