The Punch and Judy Show (from Comedia dell’Arte to the Present Day) – Thursday 6th October 2016

by Bertie Pearce

Bertie Pearce is a born Entertainer. His shows are remembered years afterwards for all the right reasons. He performs dazzlng close-up magic, original and waggish cabaret, creating hilarious audience participation. He is a member of the Inner Magic Circle and is a ‘Professor of Punch and Judy’. He is passionate about the history of this fascinating and enduring tradition.

Appearing first in 1662, Mr. Punch is descendedfrom the C15th Italian clown Pulcinella, of the C15th Commedia dell’Arte tradition and is the most famous puppet character of all time. His comic irreverence gave ‘Punch’ magazine its title.His anarchic vitality has inspired opera, ballet and punk rock and his enduring popularity has seen his likeness on goods from Victorian silverware to computer video games. This Lord of Misrule uses his slapstick to dispense with oppressive authority, be it politicians, political correctness or the devil, while proclaiming his notorious refrain; ‘That’s the way to do it!’.

Bertie has a BA(Hons) in Drama from Manchester University and a Diploma Internationale from the Ecole Internationale du Theatre, Jacques Lecoq. Past experience includes lecturing to theatre clubs, cruise ship audiences, the Women’s Institute and the Sussex Magic Circle as well as NADFAS. In addition, he has toured the world with a magic cabaret show and a one man show entitled ‘All Aboard’. He has also written an article on entertainment for the Guardian newspaper.